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We’ve made changes to the BankSA Personal Loans General Conditions

We have made changes to the BankSA Personal Loan, Personal Overdraft and Get Set Loan General Conditions to make them more concise and easier to understand.

Some administrative changes have also been made; these include:

Personal Loan

  • Simplified the ‘variation’ clause so it is easier to understand what changes we can make to your contract and how we will notify you of those changes. In some circumstances, we may now notify you of a change by publishing a notice, for example on our website or our online banking app, or a combination of these means.
  • Clarified that, in certain scenarios, we will only consider your loan to be in default (for example where you do not comply with the law or breach certain conditions of the contract) if we reasonably believe the default has a “material impact”.
  • Removed the “GST” and “Loan Offset” clauses as they are not applicable to the loan.
  • Amended the “Tax Reporting Obligations” clause in relation to reporting foreign tax residency status to us; and
  • Added our right to restrict use of the loan account where we reasonably suspect the use of the account has caused harm (including financial abuse) to another person.

Personal Overdraft

  • Simplified the ‘variation’ clause so it is easier to understand what changes we can make to your contract and how we will notify you of those changes. In some circumstances, we may now notify you of a change by publishing a notice, for example on our website or our online banking app, or a combination of these means.
  • Added details regarding how to make repayments to your loan.
  • Removed the “GST” clause as it is not applicable to the loan.
  • Added a new default clause which details the circumstances in which your loan is in default, and what can happen then.
  • Added our right to restrict use of the loan account where we reasonably suspect the use of the account has caused harm (including financial abuse) to another person.

Get Set Loan

  • Simplified the ‘variation’ clause so it is easier to understand what changes we can make to your contract and how we will notify you of those changes. In some circumstances, we may now notify you of a change by publishing a notice, for example on our website or our online banking app, or a combination of these means.
  • Added details regarding how to make repayments to your loan.
  • Simplified the GST clause.
  • Removed the “Review” clause as it not applicable to the loan.
  • Added a new default clause which details the circumstances in which your loan is in default, and what can happen then.
  • Amended the “Tax Reporting Obligations” clause in relation to reporting foreign tax residency status to us; and
  • Added our right to restrict use of the loan account where we reasonably suspect the use of the account has caused harm (including financial abuse) to another person.
  • Removed the “Higher interest charges” clause and references to the “Unarranged Lending Rate” as it will no longer be applicable to the loan effective 18 August 2024.


To access and download a copy of the updated General Conditions, please see below links:

Personal Loan General terms and conditions (PDF 369KB)

Unsecured Personal Overdraft Agreement (PDF 235KB)

Get Set Loan Agreement. General terms and conditions (PDF 257KB).

For more information, please call us on 13 13 76 or visit in branch